Our Services

Pre-proceedings negotiations and resolution

We provide advice to parents who have recently separated, including assistance with negotiating care arrangements, advice around Family Dispute Resolution (mediation) and advice on initiating Court proceedings.

We also provide legal advice and assistance for caregivers and wider family members who are seeking to place legal framework around children in their care.

Care of Children Act matters

We provide advice and assistance in all Care of Children Act matters including urgent and non-urgent Applications to the Family Court for parenting orders (who children live with, who they can spend time with and how this is managed), guardianship orders (the really big decisions impacting children such as where they live, their names, medical treatment and overseas travel) and orders preventing removal of children from New Zealand, amongst other issues that arise in this area of family law.

We advise not only parents, but also other whānau members who are concerned for the wellbeing of children in their whānau on the options available to them through the Family Court.

Oranga Tamariki Act matters

We act for parents whose children are under the legal framework of Oranga Tamariki - whether that is by way of a custody order, guardianship order, or support order, and where Oranga Tamariki is involved with whānau but not yet actively engaged. We have experience with attending FGCs, applying for access orders, and applying to discharge Oranga Tamariki Orders. 

We also assist caregivers with obtaining permanent care of children under the Care of Children Act, usually following extensive periods of Oranga Tamariki involvement, so we have a deep understanding of both sides of the equation.

Family Violence Act

We act for and provide advice to anyone who has been a victim of Family Violence and requires a Protection Order and / or the associated Occupation and Ancillary Furniture Orders. 

We also act for people who are responding to these orders having been made against them.

Relationship Property

We are experienced in all areas of Relationship Property including drafting and providing independent legal advice on s21 Agreements Relationship Property and Contracting Out Agreements as well as drafting and filing Court proceedings for orders for division and sale, spousal maintenance, economic disparity, and occupation orders.